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Blogcritics: news and reviews
Saturday, May 21, 2005  
Here is a series that is quickly becoming one of my favorites, E's Otherwise. In the future, the world is controlled by 12 major corporations, Ashurum being the most powerful. Then there's the slum city Gald where all the underhanded things are done. From normal citizens just trying to get by in life to arms dealers and anti-corporation guerrillas. Now among the populace psychics start to appear, people who can form thought into energy and can use this energy to fly, form barriers, and shoot deadly bolts among other things. Normal people tend to not like the psychics (kind of like an X-men, mutant feeling going on). The more powerful psychics usually end up in the clutches of Ashurum or as leaders of rebel groups or just stay secretive about their powers like the rest. The psychics that end up with Ashurum form an elite force known as Aeses. Now the story focuses on psychic Kai who has always lived within the walls of the corporation, he goes on missions for Ashurum to bring in guerrillas with his teammates. After a certain incident, Kai is separated from his group and ends up living in Gald. He sees how normal people think of psychics, what they think of the corporations, and how they live in general. His eyes are open and he takes in all these new experiences.
I'm really enjoying this series, it goes from really serious episodes to side splitting hilarity (like when Kai is forced to dress like a woman against his will). I especially like Yuuki, who Kai becomes a "sidekick" to. Once he gets something in his hands he's always swinging it around like it's a toy from a microphone to a gun (not that he doesn't know how to use it, he's a dead aim), to a shaman's wand, it's just plain funny. Anywho, the plot is good, lots of action, and the characters develope at a comfortable pace, there's no mind tricks with this one (ha ha! mind tricks!) Alsoyou have some recognizable voice actors here. Chris Patton = Kai (also Sasuke Sagara from Full Metal Panic), Greg Ayers = Shen-Lon (Goku from Saiyuki, Chrno from Chrono Crusade), HilaryHaag = Asuka (Sister Rossette from Chrono Crusade, Riku from D.N.Angel), these are the most notable names but the other voice actors do a pretty good job in my opinion.
There are two dvds out with the third due June 7th according to The first 2 dvds have 5 episodes apiece plus extras (previews, clean opening/closing, production sketches, Japanese promos [promos on first dvd], and voice actor profiles [profiles on second dvd].
That's about it I think. I highly recommend this one 9.5 out of 10, could've had some cleaner looking animation, but that is a minor thing. Until next time.

Boma at 11:10 PM

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