Anime Sweep
To Further the Spread of Anime . . .
About me
Name: Lindsay
Age: 25
Where Abouts: In the vicinity of nothingness
Hobbies: Anime, Manga, movies, reading, RPG games

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Deadlock Victim

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Renji from Bleach

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Blogcritics: news and reviews
Monday, February 21, 2005  
Ok, I dwelt on this one for a while before getting it. I like vampire themes. I read reviews on it which were pretty much down the middle. Either you loved it or you hated it kinda deal. In the end, after much deliberation I give it a thumbs up. Anywho, a little about it which isn't much. Basically you have this girl, Saya, and she hunts down these demons that survive by devouring human blood. Oh! And it takes place a day before the Vietnam War on an American airforce base in Japan. That's it. I liked it because of a couple of things one of which is the animation. It's detailed with good use of CG animation added in to give some scenes more depth and perception. I also like how the audio language goes back and forth between English and Japanese. A couple downers are 1) it's a short "movie". 40 minutes tops, I'd have to double check. The package says running time 83 minutes, well there's a making-of documentary as an extra and they added the times together so don't let it fool you. For the amount of time it is though, I thought the events/story went smoothly. It doesn't leave hanging but rather wanting more. 2) The nurse's englsih voice started to annoy me by the end. There's like a 3 second pause between the words she spoke. I just want to slap her and say "SAY IT ALREADY!!" But if your in the mood from something with a lot of action and blood, don't want to kill a lot of brain cells thinking about the plot, and don't have a lot of time to kill, check it out.

Boma at 11:37 PM

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"Get thee behind me satan! . . . Behiiiiiiind . . . "
~ Momoko, Ghost Stories

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Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase


Valley of Silence by Nora Roberts

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Monster House

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