Anime Sweep
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Name: Lindsay
Age: 25
Where Abouts: In the vicinity of nothingness
Hobbies: Anime, Manga, movies, reading, RPG games

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Blogcritics: news and reviews
Tuesday, September 14, 2004  
Aaaaaaaah, Pretear. *sigh* If you want a series with a lot of hot Bishounon this is it. It's a combination of Cinderella and Snow White. This is a story about Himeno Awayuki who's father just remarried to a rich widow. Himeno now has 2 stepsisters. One a spoiled brat trying to deface Himeno in a series of childish traps (and tries to get the knights "cave-man" style) the other so deep into depression over the death of her father she closes in on herself. Now this series is one of those "magical girl" series (i.e. Sailormoon-ish, Cardcaptors-ish etc.) and there are times when she "Prete's" it looks like she is having an orgasim, ok enough of that. The story is thus. The world is alive with 'Leafe'. Every plant, animal, person, even water has Leafe. When the Leafe is taken away by things called Demon Larva, that object withers away and dies. But to make sure this doesn't happen there are the Leafe Knights (Snow White has seven dwarves, Himeno has seven Bishounon, except for the 3 minors who are just plain cute and the not so ambiguosly gay one) The knights can only stop the Larva though if it's still in it's seedlike form, in order to destroy the more powerful form of the Demon Larva the Knights need to "Prete" or combine with the Pretear, a magical girl. And so the story goes of convincing Himeno of her importance, having a love-hate relationship with the brooding leader of the knights, discovering and dealing with one's past and ultimately creating a a family bond that defeats THE POWER OF DARKNESS! mwa ha ha ha! Yeah, it's very shoujo but I'm a girl and the guys are pretty so I'm happy. I can't really think of a reason for a guy to check into this except maybe to see Himeno Prete. But it's 13 episodes so it doesn't hurt the pocket too much. As for English voice actors this is put out by ADV so you probably heard of some of these names. Himeno - Luci Christian (Azumanga Daioh - Yukari, Full Metal Panic! - Kaname) Hayate - Ilich Guardiola (Saiyuki - Gojyo, DNAnagel - Krad) Sasame - Chris Patton (Full Metal Panic! - Sousuke Sagara, Rahxephon - Ayato Kamina) Kei - Victor Carsrud (Rahxephon, Noir, Princess Nine, all additional voices) The only other one worth mentioning is Mannen voiced by Greg Ayres (Saiyuki - Goku, and I believe Chrono from Crusade, I got that from the Right Stuf website all other actor/character/series I looked up on ok, there are some caps to check out.

Boma at 11:07 PM

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